Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The perfection of love

everyone has loved somone in there life or love a few people.but you never know how strong that love is till something so fucking wrong could be a car crash or someone leaveing you in the dust.I lost a good friend of mine in a car accident earlier this year.I thought my heart was broken for friend and I where good friends on a level that not many people we both knew, knew about.I have gone through break ups and falling outs but when I found out from my mother my friend had died I thought I had lost everything I cared about and nothing else matterd to me.friends, family and lovers.I was dateing someone when I found out he had died, the guy I was seeing didnt know how to deal with me loseing a person he had never met before.I feel like him right now.someone that I would really like to know better and maybe some day be with.he has some thing I wont talk about going on in his life.I feel out side the bubble and looking into his life like its a movie.I want to say or do something that would help but I dont know how.

life cant be summed up in blogs or facebook comments, its rough out there.

life and love are alot life you have ups and down with jobs, economys, weather and occasionally a bird flys by to shit on your head!

love is a job, love is an economy, love is the weather when it rains it pours occasionally flys by and ends up shitting all over you.

my biggest problem is that I try too hard to love someone I end up loseing them.all my ex's cheated on me or just up and left does fuck with your mind alot when its your first real love and you get dumped over an IM window :/ no one ever told me that love was hard, thats something you have to learn on your own.I would always end up thinking to myself was it something I did is it something I need to change.I have been told I am the perfact woman so many times that I could write a book about it!thing is no one is perfact.being told that and have all the men in life leave me is like..wait!what?!

in my personal opinion men are stupid and are like dogs, always got to bury a bone.and wemon are just crazy!

its one of those things that gets old but always finds a way to show back up in a different form.

I would just like to look at my someone and tell them I love them, but I dont have one.I would like one, more then anything in the world.Im a simple girl Im not perfect nor am I the perfect woman but who wouldnt mind finding the one person perfect for them?