Saturday, February 20, 2010

Its been a while my dear...

so its been a while since I have blogged. *sigh* I have been kinda depressed the last few months.not alot has changed but I havent at all other then the boyfriend I have now.I have great feelings for this one but I have never met him in person its a online relationship.I dont know how long it will go you can tell by the time on this post its really early or should I say really really late!it seems that my worrys still go on even though its a online relationship.I havent felt wanted or loved in this way for a long main worrys are that I could be fooled or cheated on.granted its a online feelings are growing stronger and I can see myself being in deep love with this one.but Im worried that he isnt being faithful, yes I know is a online deal but this worry is still bugging me.personaly I wouldnt do anything behind his back.but I think its just my paranoia.I have no reason to doubt him and he has no reason to doubt me but I want this to I have said in past blogs Im tired of being treated like crap and being cheated on.I would like just to be told the truth and so far I have been but I think my paranoia is getting the best of me.I reall wish there was some way to truely know whats going on in a guys head with out cutting it open like a hard boiled egg........gah.

yea I have guy friends yea he has friends that are girls but I think maybe he worrys about the same thing?or am I just blowing it way out worrys could all be true but they could also be all pointless and I have nothing to worry about!

sometimes you will never know,

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