Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Somebody find me somebody to love

I have spent alot of time looking around for the right guy in my life and I never seem to get lucky.but here in the last month or so I have been getting alot of looks and glances from all kinds of guy keeps asking me out, this guy cant be more then 17 and donesnt look like hes saveing yet!then there was the ice cream dude *if you read my last blog it will tell you about him*

I keep putting myself into a rock in a hard place!right now I have met a new guy.we are into the same things and for the most part, we have alot in common other then he likes Trent Reznor, whom I can not stand!

I did the girl thing over this, weak in the knees kinda bullshit.stuff I just dont do over just anyone.but my friend has popped back up, I am really in like with him.yes I said like it isnt a type-o.I now feel like a whore but havent done anthing that would make me a whore but non the less I do.

I am a whats happening now kinda gal and yes I like to flirt and play the feild so to speak but Im just not used to haveing to make choices like this.I could go on and on about how I cant really get guys.I do and I dont!Im picky and I just dont like haveing to make up my mind in this way.

so its pretty much like this

A)take a chance on something new *again*

B)stick with the old choice

C)or just dont make up my mind and run away screaming to my room and keep doing the Im going to be alone bull crap I have always done

for the most part I feel like shit for talking to these guys at the same time, yea Im not with either of them nor am I sleeping with them.I mostly feel like this cus I like both of them at the same time and I know it isnt fair to do that.not only is it not fair to them its not fair to myself!haveing to make my mind up is hard for me, as I said Im not used to haveig this put on my plate.

why are guys flocking to me like this?!I dont get it, I dont wear shirts that show half my clevage.Im a t shit wearing tom boy for fuck sake!and how is eatting an ice cream cone sexy if your not doing it on purpose?or just walking down the street?

why are men so fucking stupid?!why now?

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